Our Mission

To promote and support positive life values such as determination, confidence, creativity, and a sense of belonging, which can be learned through the sport and gift of skateboarding.

Peru Project 2023!

Skateboarding is unique, unlike any other sport. The experiences and opportunities a skateboard can bring into someone’s life are immeasurable. We want to share these possibilities with those who need them most through the sport and gift of skateboarding.

  • Determination:

    When attempting a new trick, learning the intricate motions can be difficult. This can result in lengthy trial and error before eventually learning the trick. Through this process, the value of determination can develop.

  • Confidence:

    Skateboarding can be a daunting experience. Tricks can be overwhelming and difficult to learn. However, over time the value of confidence can be gained as people become more comfortable with their skills and more confident in themselves.

  • Sense of Belonging:

    The community of skateboarding is like no other. Many sports are very individualistic. However, skateboarding and the surrounding community often promote the beliefs of helping others when possible and furthering the sport as one unified group. This can bring a strong sense of belonging to those who skateboard and participate in the community.

  • Creativity:

    Skateboarding is not only a sport but also an art. Through the innovative nature of skateboarding and the freedom of self-expression it brings, there are many ways that skateboarding can promote creativity. Skateboarding started in the 20th century with a small list of tricks and has expanded into thousands of tricks that various individuals in the community have creatively developed. Every person's skateboarding style has a unique personal touch, which evolves from the creative nature of the art.